Friday 22nd September Meeting at 10.00 am in the Barrack Room situated in Enniskillen Castle Courtyard. Registration and Welcome Sorrel Wills Workshop, participants will meet Sorrel in the Barrack Room All other participants will chose where they want to paint. Catherine McKeever will be there to answer any queries 4.00pm Return to Castle Courtyard to view paintings and opportunity to sell paintings. 5pm-9pm culture night is taking place in the Castle Courtyard which participants are welcome to stay for.
Saturday 23rd September 10.00 am Participants for Workshop by Neal Greig meet at the Barrack Room in Enniskillen Castle Courtyard. Catherine McKeever will be in the Barrack room between 10.00-10.30 to answer any queries. 4.00 pm Return to Castle Courtyard to view paintings and opportunity to sell Sunday 24th September 10.00 am Participants for Denise Ferran Workshop meet at the Barrack Room in Enniskillen Castle Courtyard. Catherine McKeever will be in the Barrack Room between 10.00-10.30 to answer any queries. 4.00 pm Return to the Castle Courtyard to view paintings and opportunity to sell.
We are so looking forward to seeing you - all kitted up and ready to paint!!